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范韦理克 职称长聘副教授


My research interests cover, among other things, Roman politics, interstate relations and Roman law in the Republic and Early Empire. I am willing to supervise any students (BA and MA) who are interested in studying Greco-Roman Antiquity.



2017-2018 拉丁语阅读(3-4);外国历史文选(上)
2016-2017 拉丁语阅读(1-2);古典学导论;外国历史文选(上);基督教拉丁语(2)
2015-2016 基础拉丁语(1-2); 古典学导论;外国历史文选(上);基督教拉丁语(1)
2014-2015 古典学导论;外国历史文选(上);研究生古希腊语(上-下);拉丁语阅读(2)

北京大学历史学系  邮编:100871

Oct 2008 – Nov 2013
University of Durham, UKPhD in Classics and Ancient HistoryTitle thesis: Rome and Near Eastern Kingdoms and Principalities, 44-31BC: A Study of Political Relations During Civil War
Oct 2007 - Sep 2008
University of Durham, UKMA in Classics and Ancient History, Distinction
Sep 2005 – Jun 2007
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands MA in “Geschiedenis” (History), “Cum Laude” (Distinction)
Sep 2002 – Aug 2005
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands BA in “Geschiedenis” (History)

1.‘Constructing alliances: A new perspective on Mark Antony’s Parthian Campaign of 36 BC’, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 30 (2015) 65-71.
2.‘Attitudes of eastern kings and princes towards Rome in the period of civil war, 49-31 BC’, in: E. Baltrusch, J. Wilker (eds), Amici – socii – clientes? Abh?ngige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum, Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 31 (Berlin 2015) 51-66. Reviews.

1. Chillet, Clément, M.-C. Ferriès, Y. Rivière (eds), Les confiscations, le pouvoir et Rome de la fin de la République à la mort de Néron (Bordeaux / Paris 2016), forthcoming in: Latomus.
2.Gilhaus, Lennart et al. (ed.), Elite und Krise in antiken Gesellschaften / élites et crises dans les sociétés antiques, Collegium Beatus Rhenanus 5 (Stuttgart 2016), forthcoming in: Ancient West and East.
3.Grass, B., G. Stouder (eds), La diplomatie romaine sous la République: réflexions sur une pratique. Actes des rencontres de Paris, 22-22 Juin 2013, et Genève, 31 octobre-1er novembre (Besan?on 2015), published in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.05.29 (2016).
4.Hostein, A., S. Lalanne (eds), Les voyages des empereurs dans l’Orient romain. époques antonine et sévérienne (Arles 2012), published in: Latomus (2015) 842-844.
5.Co?kun, A. (ed.), Freundschaft und Gefolgschaft in den ausw?rtigen Beziehungen der R?mer (2. Jh. v.Chr. – 1. Jh. n.Chr.) (Frankfurt/M. 2008), published in: Latomus 70 (2011).

1.‘Aretas IV. K?nig der Nabat?er [Var. Haretat]’, in: Amici Populi Romani. Prosopographie der ausw?rtigen Freunde Roms = Prosopography of the Foreign Friends of Rome, published by the SFB 600 (Trier 2007-2008), and by APR Project (2010-2012).
2.‘Nabataeans’, in: Amici Populi Romani: Prosopography of the Foreign Friends of Rome, published by APR Project (2013).